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Badger Meter Wireless Fluid Management System


Badger Meter Wireless Fluid Management System

Track oil & coolant dispensed in the workshop with a Wireless Fluid Management System. Can be integrated to the site DMS for job validation & automatic billing.

The pioneer in wireless oil dispensing management for mechanical workshops, Badger Meter's wireless fluid management system is jointly designed by US and German engineers, and is manufactured in the US.

This system utilizes wireless communication between all system hardware components, and with the addition of a small interface program it can be integrated to a dealer management system which allows this system to check if a job/fleet number is correct and allow or refuse a dispense request accordingly.

At the completion of the dispense it will make the dispense data available to the DMS to allow it to be imported directly to the relevant job or fleet number, thus removing manual data entry.

  • Up to 250 users per system.
  • Up to 250 dispensing guns per system.
  • Up to 36 workshop keypads per system.
  • Dispensing guns are locked until a dispense is requested via a workshop keypad.
  • Dispense & tank level data is recorded in the system management software, providing full trace-ability.
  • 1 System can cover large sites with multiple workshops - even multiple sites for the same company, within close proximity.
  • Multiple systems can be administered from a single location with dispense data retrieval from all sites. The individual systems can be located anywhere as long as they have a LAN connection.
  • Highly functional system with many features making it suitable for a wide variety of different applications.
  • Used extensively throughout Europe, the Middle East, and North America.

This article on Fluid Management Systems may be of interest:  Click here